Dear Lakewood Scoop:
For those that have been following the news lately, Senator Bob Menendez is going through a rough time, to say the least.
Putting all allegations aside, (I haven’t been following them really closely), Senator Menendez has been a friend to the Lakewood Community for a really long time.
Whenever someone had an issue with Visa to Israel, during Covid, Passport Emergencie, funding for our Yeshivas, help with utility shutoffs for the indigent, the list goes on and on.
If you are one of those recipients of the kindness of Mr Menendez’s office , I would suggest, as pure Hakoras Hatov, to write a letter to the president asking for mercy and a pardon for Mr. Menendez. It’s the least that we can do for all he’s done for our community.
A recipient of that kindness.
Lakewood, NJ
TLS welcomes your letters by submitting them to [email protected]
Yuck. Nothing else to say
If he would have ran as independent I would have voted for him due to the fact that he helped me with a passport and is the number one supporter of Israel in the Democratic Senate
Gambino crime family boss John Gotti was beloved in his neighborhood for his kindness and generosity. Talk about “hakoras hatov,” Gotti was a hero to them. Racketeering and murder? But…but…he was good to his neighbors and friends.
Excellent! He voted with democrats which are ALL evil to the core.
John Gotti worked with Reb Ahron on saving some Jews in Italy and Reb Ahron blessed him.
just saying…
No he didn’t, that was Joe Bonanno, Gotti was born in 1940.
Menendez broke from his party, including Booker to vote to ratify the appointment of Ambassador David Friedman.
Big deal. A blind squirrel finds an acorn once in a while. A broken clock has the right time twice a day.
I think you should send him some gold bars as Shakira’s hatov . If you can’t afford it send him some cookies in jail and gave we enough for Hunter.
I would caution anyone expressing hakaras hatov to Menendez to be ready for an interview with the FBI.
Lenin, Stalin, Putin, Mao, Quadafi, Bin Laden, and Hitler had friends, people who liked them, and did good things from some peoples’ perspective, too. Should we pardon them, too? The Yuck comment is correct.
Allegations ? He was convicted….. He is going to prison….
He is where he is because of what he is !
He is a disgrace to this county! Absolutely HE should be in jail. He is a crook. Just this time he has finally gotten caught with his hands in the cookie jar!! How many other times did he already got away?? And to blame his wife and said those gold bars are not mine?? Please!! what kind of human does that? THEY BOTH HAVE NO INTEGRITY, NO MORALS, AND LIED WHILE THEY ARE LOOKING AT YOU IN THE EYES TO BLAME OTHERS FOR THEIR EVIL ACTIONS! AT THE END YOU CANNOT ESCAPE JUDGEMENT!
the entire government are crooks! I’d be hard pressed to find an honest one, meanhwile Senator Menendez helped so many people in our community and his wife is sick with cancer and the crimes he did din’t hurt anyone specifically. We are Rachamim bnei rachamim and I believe he should be pardoned!
They all want to “help”so they can stay in power then rob you blind ,sorry no excuses for those who are corrupt !
You sound insane. I’m sorry. What you’re saying has nothing to do with reality.
I would have voted for him too. He got into trouble (last time) only because he went against Obama and voted against the Iran Deal. The Dems got their revenge and showed all their people what happens when you buck the guys in charge.
I guess the Dems were so mad about his Iran deal vote that they convinced Republican Chris Christie to indict him in April 2015, months before he even voted against the deal.
He was indicted by the Federal Government not the State.
Soif ganev ltluya
There is no worst blind that the one who just refuses to see!! This is why the Dems do as they please with no reprecutions from the constituents!! Just keep them in power as long as we appear to get the scraps from the table lined with gold!
The Dems need to get voted out, just look at the state in which they are taking the economy, security, and education!!!! WAKE UP BEFORE IT’S TOO LATE, FUTURE GENERATIONS WILL HAVE TO SUFFER THE CONSEQUENCES!!!
The Jewish Mafia members (especially A. Rothstein & M. Lansky) would give Rabbis a few thousand dollars before Pesach to help poor Yidden be able to have a nice Yom Tov. When the poor Jewish businessmen were being hassled by Non-Jews they’d send a few “Shtarkers” (Mafia muscle) to stand on the street corners as a warning to leave the Jewish businesses alone. When there was a rising Nazi movement in America Lansky & Siegel (sometimes going himself) would send “Shtarkers” to the meetings to bust a few Nazi heads. Lansky helped smuggle weapons to the Jews in (pre-)Israel.
Should we name a Yeshiva after them? Or perhaps a Pesach Gemach?