Letter from parents of children who went missing in Lakewood

Earlier this week, two children went missing in Lakewood, prompting a large search which lasted approximately five hours.

Today, the parents released the following letter to TLS.

“The phrase “Thank You” doesn’t do justice to the feelings of appreciation and gratitude we feel towards all of the people who came to our aid in our time of need. Your care and concern were matched only by your professionalism and dedication. We are overwhelmed by the sheer amount of people who gave up their night’s sleep and spent so much energy and time to help us. We really have no words to express what we are feeling, so “Thank You” will have to suffice despite it being so inadequate

וכל העוסקים בצרכי צבור באמונה, הקב”ה ישלם שכרם

With tremendous thanks, sincerely,”

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  1. If only the community could apply the same level of love towards another Jew when driving or parking in Lakewood we might start heading in the right direction

    • If only the community could apply the same level of love towards another PERSON, no matter WHO they are, when driving or parking in Lakewood we might start heading in the right direction.

      There, I fixed it for you. AS you may well know, it wasn’t only frums out searching for these people. It was the WHOLE of the community.

  2. There are very positive things to say about the people in Lakewood and some negative things, perhaps legitimate. Let’s not temper a positive article by bringing up negativity. That may be important, but another place and time.

  3. Sim, not everything calls for a snarky comment!!! Just appreciate what she wrote and don’t always look to criticize fellow yiddden..

  4. I constantly bring this up because I care about my fellow yidden. I believe contestant mussur is absolutely necessary given the fact that so many accidents are happening a day and some not ending up so we’ll. So before you criticize me and say this is not the place? Our fellow Jews are getting hurt and sometimes killed from that daily issue so yes every place is the place.

    • I constantly bring this up because I care about my fellow HUMAN BEINGS. I believe constant GOODWILL TOWARD ALL is absolutely necessary given the fact that so many accidents are happening a day and some not ending up so well. So before you criticize me and say this is not the place? Our fellow HUMAN BEINGS are getting hurt and sometimes killed form that daily issue so yes every place is the place.
      There Sim, I fixed this one for you too.

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