Hi, I am a business owner in Lakewood and I am working primarily from home.
My husband has not missed a minyan in almost 20 years and he was crying yesterday when his Rav paskened he needs to daven at home for the foreseeable future. If the boys are home from yeshiva and the men are davening biyechidus then where is the justification for many of the Lakewood stores being opened and packed with shoppers?
Aside from the health risk which the frum community seems to think they are immune to I’d like to point out that as the number of cases are rising (which they are multiplying exponentially every day) we will become more and more restricted and isolated. As a result we will all crumble under the financial ruin.
So even if everyone is not worrying about getting sick, please worry about everyone’s livelihood! The message needs to get out!
Baalei simcha need to implore everyone NOT TO COME to their backyard simchas!
Store owners need to offer deliveries and curbside pick ups. Please!
Someone who is hurting.
I totally agree. My income just went down to 0. I have very little savings. I will probably lose my home as I won’t be able to make the payments. As long as people congregate the virus will continue. Clothing stores packed… whats wrong with people??
Any reason not to have very well spaced / no contact minyanim outside street by street with neighbors?
Yes – many good reasons.
The doctors and health dept have specifically stated that this is not acceptable.
1 – People tend to congregate at these events.
2 – It places social pressure on people to attend minyan. We need to send a STRONG message that right now, the Ratzon Hashem is not to daven with a minyan, but to guard our health and work hard to daven with kavana privately.
3 – Even standing 10 feet away, the wind blows droplets all around.
4 – Fact is – people cannot be trusted to stay away if they are not well. Someone in my shul the other day was coughing non-stop. No one flinched. I haven’t returned to shul since. Adults are acting irresponsibly.
PLEASE be smart and care about others. My father is a yid who has done so much for so many Jews and he’s in grave danger if he ch”v contracts this disease. He’s totally quarantined and it’s very hard for him, but it’s the only way.
There are many vulnerable people.
We care about those people more than everyone. If indeed we do, we must prove it by setting our own desires aside and following Halachah which is clear in this case.
I agree I dodnt know how I will be paying my bills and we sill have shulls that are open. I hope we wont be charged any tuitions as all the schools already charged me full tuitions for this whole month while I am locked up with 0 income.I dodnt think its a good idea for the schools to continue teaching online/over the phone when people will likely not be bale to afford to pay the tuitions.
What’s wrong is that people must still feel the peer pressure to have all the new clothing on yomtov. Which is silly since the shuls will still be closed most likely and the social distance protocols still in place. So who will see your new suit or dress? No one. Ridiculous!
Time to focus on reality and stay home.
all local businesses should be working on delivery solutions.
Other than good stores, it is ridiculous to have stores open and full of shoppers!!! What is going on??
Nothing 2 say
no body should be going out anywhere ,im sorry your husband is sad about not davening with a minyan. I Have been to many ERs on a daily basis over the years,i have never ever witnessed the craziness thats going on the passed few days in these ERs its outta control. I can promise if your husband witnessed what i have he wouldn’t be crying about minyan.At this time It is an averah to go out to daven with a minyan. When A Hatzolah man drives his car on shabbos to an emergency he doesn’t cry. please tell your husband not to be sad about missing minyan,hes getting a Big mitzvah by staying home