Dear Community,
I won’t get into the debate if schools should or should not be giving off midwinter vacations, that’s already been discussed here.
While the intention behind this break may be to provide a much-needed respite for our children, I strongly believe that it has devolved into a week of Bitul Torah that undermines the very values we strive to instill in our youth.
Instead of using this time to recharge and refocus, many students unfortunately use Yeshiva Week as an excuse to abandon their learning altogether.
In light of this, I propose that we rename “Yeshiva Week” to “Non-Yeshiva Week.” This name change would serve as a stark reminder of the true nature of this break and encourage us to reevaluate our priorities and minimizing the Bitul Torah that accompanies Yeshiva Week.
Signed while not in Florida.
TLS welcomes your letters by submitting them to [email protected]
I agree. I will bli neder from now on only call it Not yeshiva week. Thanks
I’m a big believer of needing breaks and taking them.
And yet I have to agree with this letter!
It pains me to see my boys have zero interest in picking up a sefer for the days we have off.
I don’t want to push it but I’m a little but envious of the boys that are currently sitting and shteiging in their classrooms while my boys are just vegging and bored….
Non-Yeshiva week it is.
Very good. And why don’t we also rename a chasuna as “a way to flaunt my wealth”.
I am very proud of my boys who don’t have a single day off and went to cheider despite all their neighbors being off!! They are holding up the world
Sounds like a good way to make them resentful and hate school and learning in general.
#Get real, I think we should rename weddings.
Yeshiva week comes from the modern Orthodox day schools
No one calls it yeshiva week except for modern orthodox. Exactly as you said, it is non yeshiva week. In the past couple years the term has become known to the wider community because of social media. It’s a good reminder that the ppl you see online are prob not from the same community and have different values than you, even if they celebrate the same “chagim” as you.
Oh and rename Bein Hazmanim – Bitul Zemanim.
It has already been renamed, it’s called Midwinter Break. (though ”renamed” is really inaccurate. Nobody has ever called ”Yeshiva week” in Lakewood.)
Maybe during our mid winter vacation, we can find 15 minutes a day to say Tehillim for our brothers and sisters that are still stuck in Geihinom (Gaza).
It’s called mid-winter break in Lakewood for at least the last 30 years!( I DK before that!)
My boys have a grand total of Friday and Sunday off and happy for them! They need the break!
I call it Yeshiva Weak…!
I couldn’t disagree more! A break is a break – even if that means not picking up a Sefer for a few days.
I believe in learning, but the mind needs rest!
…and soaking up a little Miami Beach sun doesn’t hurt so much either…
@Proud Rebbetzin_613 – Maybe you and your krum mishpacha can soak up the Miami Beach sun (don’t even get me started on how the “nush” dress there rachmana litzlan). But the rest of Hashem’s true army who are dedicated the true mission of “Lehagdil Torah U’Lihaadirah” will start their own schools and programs who don’t give children off from Torah learning so they can stare at inappropriately dressed men and women, gushing over rental luxury cars taken out on maxed out credit cards and eating Basar V’yayin yomam v’layla.
And remember – Terry is always watching.
Oh please, Proud_Rebbetzin_613. It may not hurt the “guf” to soak up the Miami Beach sun, but it undoubtedly hurts the “neshama”. And nobody said kids must have a full morning and afternoon seder during the break – but to not pick up a sefer at all is k’neged the ratzon Hashem if we’re being real.
My Rebbe suggested we call it “Chasidic Week”
My Rebbe explained, no one learns, everyone spends their time fressing while schmoozing with their Chaverim & the boys are in their robes half the day.
And he is a Rebbe??? Just like that, to besmirch a large segment of Klal Yisroel?
And all his talmidim are now OTD.
I think the Floridians call it yeshiva week cuz that is when they are inundated with yeshiva kids
After Yarchei Kallah Rebrands Itself ‘Yeshiva Week’, ‘Non Yeshiva Week’ Vacationers Sue Yarchei Kallah For Trademark Infringement
A group of ‘Non Yeshiva Week’ vacationers announced on Sunday that they plan on filing a trademark infringement suit against the ‘Yarchei Kallah’ program after participants of the latter program renamed their week-long study program, ‘Yeshiva Week’.
“The ‘Yeshiva Week’ moniker is way too similar to our ‘Non Yeshiva Week’ moniker,” said senior ‘Non Yeshiva Week’ vacationer, Joseph Chofesh. “We’re not gonna just sit back all week-long, vacationing on our lounge chairs, sipping martinis, while the Yarche Kallah fellas steal our popular trademark name.”
However, upon learning of the planned trademark suit, Yarchei Kallah members announced on Sunday that they would forgo the ‘Yeshiva Week’ moniker and retain their longstanding ‘Yarchei Kallah’ moniker – which sparked a whole host of new lawsuit proclamations from eligible Kallah’s all across the country who insist that the longstanding ‘Yarchei Kallah’ moniker infringes upon THEIR ‘Kallah’ moniker.
Hence, in deference to Kallahs all across the country, longtime Yarchei Kallah participant, Aaron Seferman, conceded to reporters on Sunday that, “Yarchei Kallah may have little choice but to rename its week-long study program the ‘Yarchei Masmidim’ Program.”
“Let’s just hope the Masmidim don’t sue us,” he added.
It is Yeshiva Week because it is a yeridah letzoirech aliyah, to rejuvenate the next few months of Yeshiva until Pesach.
Yay more guilt for relaxing.. good for you I’m sure hashem is proud that you made yourself feel better. Seriously grow up.
While you’re at it – what about 6-8 weeks (or more) for the summer?!?
How come you and others (except a very few) don’t say a peep about that? Will you start calling it Non – Yeshiva Summer?!?
That’s not the point.
It’s just weird to call it yeshiva week when it’s referring to the week you are not in yeshiva. Imagine calling succos “house week”.
Imagine calling a cemetery a “Bais HaChaim”
I like that!
It’s לשון סגי נהר!
What a לימוד זכות
My teachers in seminary used to call it that! They said bec Olam Haba is the REAL living
That is the correct name.
How about live and let live week!.
Lakewood. Whatever happened to Lakewood. Eyes and mouths full of daggers. Where is the love?
It died with Reb Aaron ZATZAL, 62+ years ago.
I don’t understand this whole post. Which mainstream yeshiva has enough vacation to go to Florida? Most have nothing or some half days with no English. Maybe maybe they have a Friday and a Sunday in a leap year. So who are you addressing this to?
LOL I love it.
you cannot visit bubby in florida, you cannot take a break to recharge, you cannot speak up and say you are not enjoying learning, you cannot go out to work, you can not drive a car, you can not go to a pizza store, you cannot listen to music, you can not respond to those that have declared everythin to be assur or not yeshivish enough. isnt this geshmak!???
Actually, calling it Yeshiva Week is a symptom of a real problem. It means we are spending too much time online being exposed to Modern Orthodox and worse. Stick to TLS only (besides your Gemara)…
Get used to it. You live in the worlds biggest melting pot. You chose to live here, so you are now an American. You need to adjust to the countries way of life otherwise you will be an outcast.