LE’HIGH’M: New Jersey Legislature Passes Bill Legalizing Sale Of Marijuana, Gov Expected To Sign

Both chambers of the New Jersey Legislature have passed a bill that establishes rules for the sale of marijuana in the state. Voters overwhelmingly approved its legalization in the November 3rd elections, but legislation to enable its sale in New Jersey was still necessary.

The bill passed 49-24 in the Assembly and 23-17 in the Senate.

After being introduced in the Legislature shortly after the election, the bill to regulate the sale of weed in New Jersey faced several stumbling blocks as lawmakers sought to clarify whether employers can test their workers for the drug, as well as to direct funding to support minority communities who were disproportionately affected by laws targeting drug use.

The bill passed in the Legislature creates a Cannabis Regulator Commission to oversee the sale of weed in New Jersey and allows the Commission to levy a fee on marijuana sales to raise funds that will be then directed to programs that will assist communities of color. Aside from this excise fee, the bill also calls for 70% of sales tax revenue from marijuana sales to those programs.

The bill also allows employers to test their employees for weed use if they have a reasonable suspicion that they are high while at work, and requires that drug tests must also be accompanied by a complete physical exam from a trained professional.

The bill now heads to the desk of Governor Murphy – who has made marijuana legalization a top priority of his – for his signature.

A separate bill that lowers the severity of the offense for hallucinogenic mushrooms from a third-degree felony to a disorderly persons offense, was also passed by the Legislature and is expected to be signed into law by the governor as well.

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  1. Whether or not you think using cannabis is smart, everyone should be able to agree that individuals should be free to make their own decisions about which substances to put in their own bodies. This development is great news, especially for all those victimized by the government’s decades-long campaign against individual freedom. How would you like to be put in jail for making kiddush just because other people believe alcohol is bad for you?

  2. Gary Schear, state assemblyman from Passaic, is on record as having said This would never happen when he would be in the assembly. I certainly hope he handed in his resignation today!

  3. Shloime K
    Can you give a reason why weed is anymore inappropriate than alcohol? Weed is generally a lot safer than alcohol, so if someone can make a lchaim on whisky or another hard liqueur, why would marijuana be considered bad or inappropriate?

  4. NJ residents continually whine about high taxes. This is an opportunity to get involved and have a say in how the revenue generated from MJ sales will be spent by the state. It’s a billion dollar industry, what areas will those $ help most?

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