Legislation Introduced to Allow New Jerseyans to Grow Marijuana at Home

New Jersey residents could legally grow marijuana for personal use under legislation introduced this week.

The bill is subject to the enactment of legislation legalizing the adult personal use of marijuana or cannabis.

“The people of New Jersey made it clear in November that they want to lift the prohibition on cannabis,” said legislation sponsor Senator Gerry Cardinale. “Since then, the Legislature has spent three months fumbling around with what should have been a simple task, and complicated the legalization effort with countless fees, licensing and extra layers of bureaucracy.

“My bill more accurately reflects the intention of the voters,” Cardinale continued. “If an adult wants to use marijuana for personal use, they should be allowed to cultivate it at home. We’re boiling legalization down to its most basic level.”

Cardinale’s measure would allow the possession of a maximum of six marijuana plants.

“By a 2-to-1 margin, voters approved legalizing pot,” said Cardinale. “This is what people voted for, not a complex web of special interests, political priorities, and expensive fees that will price legal pot out of the market for many residents. What will Murphy tax next? Growing carrots?”

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  1. vaccines cannot be grown at home and we need the governor to get more and faster in to this state and trickle them down to each and every resident regardless of how high their income is or if they entered the state legally we have a moral obligation to their as well as our own health to make vaccines available to more than the select group

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