Learn & Network, the Kollel for the Learning Yungerman looking to enter the work field, has released this week their first CD collection. The hardcover CD collection, contains 8 CDs with the 18 Shiurim given by renowned lecturers over the entire first season of the Kollel, founded by R’ Duvi Honig.
Lecturers include R’ Avraham Lefkowitz, R’ Abba Dunner Zatzal, R’ Bentzion Shafer, R’ Shmuel Blech, R’ Shaul Simcha Friedman, R’ Shimon Greenfield, R’ Zalman Lebovik, R’ Yerachmiel Morrison, R’ Yerachmiel Chusid, R’ Shlomo Perr, R’ Aron Berl, R’ Dovid Koleditski, R’ Yerachmiel Milstien, R’ Leib Gruber and R’ Heshy Kleinman.
The CD collection is available in all local bookstores for $25-$30.
R Duvi,
Hashem should give you the koach to continue in your avodas hakodesh!
Thank you lakewoodscoop I just got it perfect for elul,it is unbeliveable!
duvi…….ur the man!!!!!!!!!!!