PHOTOS: Learn and Network Kollel, now in its second year, held a Melave Malka last night in honor of the renaming of their Kollel and in honor of the new Zman, which begins today. The Kollel was renamed Kollel Zichron Mordechai Yosef, in memory of R’ Mordechai Yosef Hakohen (Max) Knopf Z’L, the grandfather of R’ Duvi Honig, and the founder of Shuvu.
The event, attended by many Baalei Batim and Learn & Network members, featured Divrei Chizuk by Harav Blech Shlita and Harav Friedman Shlita, of Brookhill.
The Lakewood Learn and Network Kollel, led by R’ Duvi Honig, has moved to a new location and now features an expanded program of learning at Bais Medrash Kol Chaim, located at 618 Caranetta Drive.
The Kollel today starts a new Sunday Halacha Seder led by Rabbi Avrohom Dovid Waxman. The Halacha Chaburah will begin learning the Halachos of Tefillin and Mezuzos. The weekly Halacha will ultimately reflect the time of year and address Inyonei Deyoma. A Halacha Shiur will be delivered each week by a renowned Posek.
The Kollel also features a Thursday Chizuk Evening each week with special guest speakers. (Chulent and Kugel is served, compliments of Flaum Caterers).
A new morning Seder is expected to be established at the Kollel in the near future.
The Lakewood Learn and Network Kollel recently released a CD containing a collection of Shiurim from its first year of Chizuk Evenings. The CD is available in Seforim stores or by calling 732-987-7704.
Daily Learning is from 5 to 7 p.m., followed by Maariv.
Sunday 5-7 pm
Tuesdays, Networking after Marriv 7 p.m
Thursdays, Chizuk Evening, 6:30 p.m
Each day, from 5:45 p.m. to 6:45 p.m., there will be a Daf Yomi Shiur delivered by an experienced Magid Shiur.
A Shiur in Sefer Chofetz Chaim takes place each day at 6:45 p.m given by R’ Shlomo Perr.
Learning at the Kollel is led by the Rosh Chaburah, Rav Dovid Kolodetzky and R’ Shlomo Perr. TLS.
where was this?
In Duvi Honig’s house.
thank you to TLS for keeping the community informed about this important organization and its shiurim 🙂