PHOTOS: Duvi Honig, founder of Learn & Network, presently in Israel, was invited to address the Chareidi members of the Knesset. He elaborated in detail how they could utilize the successful tools of Learn & Network for the benefit of the entire Chareidi community.
He then had an official meeting in Beit Shemesh with its deputy mayor, R’ Shmuly Greenberg.
R’ Shmuel was extremely impressed with the concept of Learn & Network, especially the bringing together under one roof learning, income opportunities & social services. So much so that he is immediately opening a branch of Learn & Network as an official function of the municipality. He is also looking forward to sharing with the other branches here in America any possible networking and other opportunities that will become available.
From Beit Shemesh Honig went to Bnei Brak to meet with its Mayor, Rabbi Yaakov Asher.
Honig explained to the Mayor the Synergy aspect of Learn & Network Kollel, wherein everyone in the community – not only the participants in the program – can benefit, and brainstormed how a branch of Learn & Network Kollel could become a reality in Bnei Brak.
Finally, Honig met with Rabbi Meir Lau, former Chief Rabbi of Israel, present Chief Rabbi of Tel Aviv.
Rabbi Lau was very enthused about Learn & Network. He provided Honig with contact information of various askanim that could establish Learn & Network Kollels in Tel Aviv & other Israeli cities.
i remember when they started . amazing how fast and big the kollel network is . hashem should bentch all those involved . and its founder
This is a great program if the issue was solving a networking problem. That is NOT the issue in the Chareidi world neither here or in Israel. It is an educational problem. All the networking in the world wont provide employment to someone that is unemployable. If he really wants to do something to address the problem he would be better off creating a Learn and learn (lower case intentional the second time) and provide vocational training to B’nei Torah. The are just some many property managers that a community can sustain.
It’s truly pathetic to always see a naysayer. This person never stepped foot in Learn & Network Kollel, knows zilch about it but DOES know that it doesn’t work. Well he is WRONG. He has a boich sevarah & thinks it makes sense. With networking you can do nearly EVERYTHING, not just property management. Give me a break.
I hope this doesn’t get moderated out because what I have to say is not going to be popular. I did step foot inte door, aside from one introduction, I was ignored by the olam. I have many skills that could help but after offering them many times have been brushed aside. There has been no assitance in getting me a job I so badly need. I have two children who don’t yet have where to go to school because I have no income. I am waiting for things to change but all I have seen is fluff without the substance. I am not just out of yeshiva and have worked in both blue collar and white collar jobs. I want to help andneed help. i hope the right people see this and stop being mivatel me because I am currently unemployed. Signed a bitter father of Many children and even more bills.
I am truly ununderstanding. Which door did you come in & how long ago??? Today I personally welcomed two people. Took their contact information, steered them to the rosh chaburah to set up chavrusos.
Someone called from Brooklyn this morning. I discussed his matzav, emailed him the Rosh Chaburah’s contact information in Flatbush. Suggested he contact my former employer based upon our discussion of his past work experience & skills. I then emailed to three people there to find out to whom to send his resume & personally emailed that resume & recommendation letter to the COO of that company.
Tonight we had a roundtable discussion with two business consultants who encouraged each participant to describe his employment situation & skills & offered advice & suggestions for over an hour.
So let me suggest that you come on back to little ole Learn & Network Kollel & we’ll not only keep the lights on for you, we will certainly notice you. I guaaarantee it.
I thank you and will, bile neder, put you to the test on this. What time of day is the JOB part of your kollel and where is it located now? I met with rosh hakolel, and explained to him I was there for employment opportunities only. I, Baruch Hashem, have learning sedorim, what I need is a job.
Duu! Learn network is not a head hunting organization,it pools together all orginizations and can direct u accordingly!I advise u to go directly to employment agencies! Learn and network is a kollel with tools and resources for people in their next stage