[UPDATED-GIRL FOUND] Police and LCSW are searching this evening for a missing girl who went missing a short time ago, near the lake. At about 7:45 PM, the girl’s parents approached one of the LCSW units patrolling near the lake and said they are missing their daughter.
The girl is described as a white female, about 5′ 8 ‘, 250 lbs, blonde hair and white sneakers.
K-9 units are being called in to joint he search.
Hatzolah and Chaveirim were not called for the search at this time.
Anyone with information is asked to call Police or LCSW. TLS-62/TLS-CCP/TLS-60.
i hope they find her soon
its dark outside
the poor girl
can i help in the search ?
Are volunteers needed to search? I’m ready! I think we should cancel all simchas bais hashoevas till this poor girl is found
Please post a name for t’filos ASAP!
I don’t think its right to post details on a older girl as “blonde hear” I don’t thinks it tzniusdik!
Before you decide to cancel things maybe a competant Rav or daas torah should be consulted!
If it helps to find her what is wrong?
Do they need volunteers? I think there are plenty of people who would volunteer!
A person is only lost if THEY don’t know where they are. If the person themselves knows where they are, and just the people looking for them are not in the know, then “the lost person” is not lost.
YOU’RE A GENIUS!!!!!!!!!!!!
Name for tehillim?
Tell me please your joking and you want attention!!!!
“Name for tehilim” Jacklyn Bas Elizebeth
To Lakewooder, I think the mother has two names. It’s Jacklyn Bas Elizabeth Nicole.
any news???!!?!
I pray that she is okay
it says girl found- they cant give any more details?!!?
i think she shoulod have used her cell-phone and called someone for help.
How long was she lost? Was she hard to find?
to #4 it’s “blonde Hair” not Blonde Hear’
Let us pray that all ends well, with the return of this missing person. The parents must be frantic. Members of the community need to help.
No its a Blonde hair.
can anyone read???!!? it says UPDATED-GIRL FOUND!!!!!
Lcsw units found her and safely transported her to her family
Glad it all ended well. Congratulations to lcsw. Good job.