LCSW Launches Winter Storm Hotline ‘Call it Safe’

call it safeLCSW: With the streets of Lakewood looking quite serene and peaceful in white today, Lakewood’s emergency agencies are gearing up for the accidents and difficulties that these weather conditions bring to the town.

In an effort to keep the town safe during Winter 2016 and the weather conditions it will bring, LCSW has announced the activation of a winter storm hotline “CALL IT SAFE” to assist the Lakewood community to navigate and properly plan itself during inclement weather.

This hotline has been created to fill a great need for storm advisories in the community due to many Lakewood householders not having access to radio, text updates, twitter, constant internet or social media.

CALL IT SAFE will be activated only during times of crisis and updated as needed to keep those on the road safe and updated on current conditions as advised by local agencies. It is the hope of LCSW that CALL IT SAFE will help keep the community safe and secure throughout the winter.

To keep yourself, your family and the community safe as they navigate the streets of Lakewood during Winter 2016 CALL IT SAFE can be accessed at 732-719-5777.


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