LBA LEAGUES 2025: How Many Teams and Players Do You Recognize?

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Lakewood Mother Startled To Spot Her Long Lost Son In An LBA Team Photograph
When a Lakewood mother of four on Wednesday perused dozens of LBA team photographs posted on the TLS website, in an attempt to answer the TLS question, “How many players do you recognize (in the photographs)?” she nearly fainted when she identified her long lost 8-year-old son in one of the photos.
“I can’t believe it, take a look at photograph #67!” she told her husband as she held on to a nearby bannister to ensure she wouldn’t collapse on the floor. “It’s Chesky! He’s the one standing on the right side, holding the basketball in his hand, and he’s got a huge, mischievous smile on his face!”
“So Chesky’s been hanging out on the basketball court all these years,” Chesky’s father said, “and we had no idea where he was! He’ll be getting his due punishment, that’s for sure! No Shabbos nosh for him for the next 6 months! No ifs or buts! Period!”
“And if he doesn’t come home immediately,” Chezky’s father added, “I’ll take away his Monopoly game and his ping pong table too!”
Chesky is the leading scorer on his team, and he told reporters on Wednesday that he had no choice but to spend all his time, 24/7, on the basketball court.
“Practicing my shot day and night, eating breakfast lunch and supper courtside and sleeping every night in the locker room was the only way I could perfect my game and lead my team to the semi finals.”
“As soon I’m done leading this team to victory in the championship series,” he promised, “I’ll head on back to home and reunite with my biological, non-sports family.”
“By the way,” Chesky asked one of the reporters, “what day is it today, and how many days are left till the 2022 mid-term elections?”
Chesky was reportedly seen later in the day leaving practice, accompanied by his father, who, for some inexplicable reason, was holding an incredibly thick, humongous-sized belt in his hand.”
I didn’t see my son’s team there. It makes me sad
Shout out to team BBB
The undefeated teen team!!!
R. Daum!
B. Basch
Noooochum P.
D.W. Events
C. Basch
Shragy Katz
Double G!
L. Gold
and some more that i forgot by the time i typed these…
TRUE OR FALSE Asinine Commenter
True or False?
Mr. Commenter