Lawmaker Calls For Assembly Hearing On Gang Problem

gang graphiti(Gang-related graffiti in Lakewood) Assemblyman Dave Rible is calling for the Assembly to hold a public hearing on the growing problem of criminal gangs in New Jersey. In a letter sent today to the chairman of the Law and Public Safety Committee, Rible, R-Monmouth, urged the Legislature to take action to reduce the number of gangs, their membership, and the crimes they commit. Rible cited the findings in the Asbury Park Press’ recent “Gangs” series as a reason the hearings are needed. The series detailed how gang membership is increasing, gangs’ criminal activities are becoming more detrimental to society, and their crimes are becoming more complex and atypical.

In his letter, Rible stated that “in light of this recent report, I request you convene a meeting of the Assembly Law and Public Safety committee dedicated solely towards analyzing the problems that are associated with gangs and allowing the public and law enforcement professionals to weigh in on possible solutions to this crisis.” APP

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