BARUCH DAYAN HA’EMES: We regret to inform you of the passing of Reb Zurich Arnowitz Z’L. His children are Mrs. Tamar (Rothchild) Epstien-Principal of Oros Bais Yaakov, and Devorah Basya (Debbie) Berger, who was Niftar a few years ago. The Levaya will be taking place at the Pine River Village Shul at 11:30 a.m. Yehi Zichroh Baruch.
Lavaya Of Reb Zurich Arnowitz Z’L
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He has a third daughter Baila, who lives in Queens.
The man was a Tzdadik. I will never forget when he got up at his daughters levaya and said “There are no answers because there are no questions.”
A Lakewood original, he will be missed by all those who met him. His middos tovos and refined personality is something we should all emulate.
he was a very nice man who cared alot about people was very loved by many and will be very missed tzb
Just to expand on what post 2 said. I remember the way he spoke at the levaya of his daughter r”l which wasn’t too many years after the petira of his dear son in law R’ Yissochor Rothchild z”l – the way that he was matzdik es hadin. He was mekadesh sheim shomayim at that levaya – it brings tears to my eyes when I remind myself of both levayas and to see his pain and yet he excepted it and said so to all those that were at the levayos. A true tzaddik. His place in Gan -eden is something we could all wish for ourselves. May the family find true nechama.