Last Chance To Recite Birchas Ha’Illanos

fruit-treeTomorrow, Rosh Chodesh Iyur, is the last day to recite Birchas Ha’illanos. Click here for a list of locations around Lakewood where the Bracha can be recited. (List provided by Misaskim). The Bracha to recite on the budding fruit tree is : “Boruch ata Hashem Elokeinu melech haolam shelo chisar ba’olamo klum, uvara vo beriyos tovos v’ilanos tovim lehanos bahem b’nei adam.”

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  1. According to most the Gemorah say “Chodesh Nissan” Urcha D’Milsah. Also seems to be the Mashmaos of the Gemorah. It is brought down that Al pi Kabbalah it is better to say in Nissan but certainly it can be said L’chatchilah afterwards. Do you think they don’t make the Bracha in Australia?

  2. It can be said L’Chatchilah the entire “Tekufas Nissan” which extends well into Chodesh Iyar and even later, as long as the tree is at the beginning of its blooming. In fact, according to many Poskim, in Australia and other lands where Nisan is in the winter, the Bracha can be recited in Tishrei or any other Tekufah that is normal for trees to bloom.

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