LAST CHANCE for Early Bird Special! Help our City!


Early Bird Special expiring soon! Spend $84 and DOUBLE your chances while helping a great cause. 


Lev Rochel Bikur Cholim’s “Discover Our City” is gearing up to be the auction of the year, and there are just 4 days left to take advantage of our early bird special. You do not want to miss this!

Spend $84 or more by December 19th and DOUBLE your chances of winning!

[I want to double my chances!].

Tickets are just $12 each and the more you spend the more you save.


It’s time to start dreaming of your new dining room… or home office…or car… Get a ticket for everyone in your family with our unbeatable ticket packages.


[Enter to win!] 


At LRBC, we’re there for our city around the clock, hanging with the early birds and the night owls, supporting countless families through complex medical journeys.


Now you can be an early bird too. Support a great cause and double your chances at winning big!


[Enter to win- and DOUBLE my chances!]


Live virtual drawing: Motzei Shabbos, January 2, 2021


Learn more at 

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