Last Call to Join the Upcoming PCS Courses [VIDEO]

[COMMUNICATED] Are you looking for a good job? Would you like to start your own business?  Do you want to enter the lucrative technology field?

IT Desktop and Network Support: Join the exploding and in-demand field of desktop and network support.  Get hands-on, state of the art training at the PCS Course. These skills can also increase your value for any current or future job opportunity. Great placement rate. Last call! The PCS IT Desktop Course is starting January 4. For info: [email protected] or 732-905-9700 x 606

Business Enrichment Course: Are you dreaming of getting a good job, starting a business, or increasing your salary? Stop dreaming and join the PCS Business Enrichment Course, a proven path to parnassah success since 2004. Gain valuable business skills in Microsoft Office, Sales, Accounting, QuickBooks, Presentation Skills, Marketing, Investments, Real Estate, Ecommerce and more. Last call! Classes starting on January 4. Contact: [email protected]

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