Larger Than Life

[COMMUNICATED] Perpetuating the legacy of Morah Sarah Murik a”h

Mrs. Sarah Murik, a”h, was larger than life. She imbued her students with her unique approach to chinuch, and filled them with passion, Ahavas Hashem, and simcha. The impact she had in the world of chinuch habanos is unmatched, both in Joan Dachs Bais Yaakov of Chicago, and Bnos Brocha of Lakewood. She personally touched the lives of hundreds of students and teachers, and left a legacy that will live on through all those who knew her.

Morah Murik’s mission was to build the future of Klal Yisroel by providing the next generation of Jewish mothers  with a love and appreciation for the beauty of Yiddishkeit. The teachers and mechanchos of Bnos Brocha are dedicated to perpetuating her passion for chinuch, and allowing Morah Murik’s dream to become a reality.

To accomplish that, we’re embarking on a 48-hour matching campaign, with the goal of raising one million dollars for our school. Please help us continue providing our students with the outstanding chinuch and the warm environment Morah Murik, A”H was known for.

Join us in commemorating the accomplishments of Morah Murik by being part of the fundraising event that will END TONIGHT at 10:00 pm. We have only a few hours left to reach our goal of one million dollars, so now is your chance to be a part of the campaign!

Be a part of it by calling 732.785.4100, or by visiting  to donate. You can also call, text, or Whatsapp 646.580.3211.

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