Large Power Outage Affecting Hundreds Of Lakewood Homes

power outage lakewood_wmU/D: 5:45 p.m. Hundreds of Lakewood homes are again left without electricity today TLS has learned. According to JCPL, between 500-2,000 homes in Lakewood are without power, and thousands more in the rest of Ocean County. Included in the outage is most of the Westgate community. This comes just one week after a massive outage affected Lakewood for approximately 6 hours. We will keep you updated.

Update 6:40 p.m. Westgate electricity has been restored. Other areas remain affected.
Update 6:53 p.m. As per JCP&L, under 500 homes currently remain without power.

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  1. It would be nice if they could inform us why these outages are happening! BTW last week I was at a Sheva Brachos in the area which had a power outage and the Sheva Brachos was only going on Thanks to the one and only Chaveirim! They brought a generator and there was light! Chazak to them!

  2. not related but i have to be in court tomorrow for two tickets 1. failure to exhibit insurance card i have the insurance card now i will show them and pay the fine 2. is failure to inspect but the court date is tomorrow and i still havent gotten inspection any ideas on what i should do please respond in comments.
    thanks for your help

  3. How long ago did you get the ticket ? Was there enough time to inspect your car ? You can try tomorrow morning to inspect it by the state inspection place(free) on Rt. 70 (I think they open at 8:30) or go to Gulf station on 10th & Madison and get it done there (I think it’s $50) .Good luck… Let us know what happened. ..

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