Lane Closures on Southbound GSP Near Raritan Tolls Likely to Cause Weekend Delays

traffic gsp tlsThe Express E-ZPass lanes at the Raritan South Toll Plaza on the Garden State Parkway will be closed this weekend while repairs are made to the deck of a southbound bridge over an abandoned railroad crossing just south of the plaza.

Motorists who are heading for the Shore or other points south of the Raritan tolls should consider alternate routes as there could be significant delays.

The closure is scheduled to be in effect from 9 p.m. Friday, May 2, 2014, to 5 a.m. Monday, May 5, 2014.

The work is weather-dependent and could be postponed if rain is forecast. If the work is postponed, an announcement will be posted on the Turnpike Authority website ( by 5 p.m. Friday.

For hands-free, eyes-free, real-time information about traffic conditions in the area, download the SafeTripNJ app for your iPhone or Android device. Traffic information is also available by calling 511 from a hands-free phone. [TLS]

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