Lakewood’s Mayan Hatorah Announced $10,000 Bonus for Rebbeim Making Chasunah

rabbi newman dinner tlsDuring its annual dinner this Sunday evening, Bais Medrash Mayan Hatorah made an unexpected announcement, which received a standing ovation.

During his address, the Rosh Yeshiva Rabbi Avrohom Mordechai Newman, thanked the entire dedicated staff for giving of themselves tirelessly on behalf of the Hatzlacha of each and every Bachur – saying “our goal is to make Reuven into the best Reuven that he can possibly be, and to make Shimon into the best Shimon that he can possibly be.”

To express his great feeling of appreciation, Rabbi Newman announced the launch of a new initiative for the approximately 25 Rebbeim – the “Mayan Hatorah Chasuna Fund”.

The “Mayan Hatorah Chasuna Fund” will give each Rebbe a $10,000 bonus for each wedding they make, thus lightening the burden the Rebbeim carry by dedicating their days and night into the betterment of the Klal Yisroel.

In response to the announcement, the Rebbbeim and crowd alike all rose to their feet and applauded the Rosh Yeshiva for this tremendous undertaking.

In addition, the Rosh Yeshivah also announced a life insurance policy initiative – partnering with Chaim Sternheim of Met Life – which will offer life insurance plans for Rebbeim at reduced rates.



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