Lakewood’s Harrogate announces $38 million expansion plan

Harrogate, an Ocean County retirement community in Lakewood, has announced a $38 million expansion and renovation plan.

The project, expected to break ground in late 2018 or early 2019, will include nearly 30,000 square feet of new or redesigned common areas, additional dining and entertainment options, 31 new independent living apartments, 48 new assisted living and memory care apartments, a cocktail lounge and more.

“Harrogate has long been the leader in our area in terms of what we offer to residents,” said Charles Benjamin, executive director of Harrogate. “To maintain that reputation, and to ensure we’re providing tomorrow’s retirees with the very best, the time has come for growth and expansion. We couldn’t be more excited about this endeavor to provide older adults even greater opportunities to worry less and live more.”

Benjamin says current residents will continue to enjoy living life to the fullest at the community, while watching the future take shape.

“While this construction project will bring significant change, our residents are enthusiastic about seeing it all take shape,” he said. “They’re excited about the future and know this expansion, above all else, is about them.”

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