Lakewood’s Census Complete Count Committee Meets With Regional Director

Complete count Committee meets Regional Director picPHOTOS of this afternoons meeting between Lakewood’s Complete Count Committee and the regional Director Fernando Armstrong. Various issues regarding the Census were discussed at the meeting, including the more than 1,500 apartments which have not yet received the form, Public Awareness and Distribution. Below, you’ll find an updated list of some of the locations around town where you can seek help related to the Census. As we post this, TLS has received word that as of this afternoon, Lakewood’s Mail Response Rate is above the Nation’s and NJ’s averages, standing at 23 percent. the Nation’s average is 16% and NJ’s average stands at 17%. The BMG Roshei Hayeshivah have encouraged the entire community to partake in the Census count.

Name Of Organization Address Town State

Postal Code

Beth Medrash Gavoha 617 sixth Street (BMG Building) Lakewood New Jersey


Lakewood Township 231 third Street Lakewood New Jersey


Chemed 1771 Madison Avenue Lakewood New Jersey


Lakewood Resource and Referral Center 212 Second Street. Suite 204 Lakewood New Jersey


Lakewood Community Services Inc. 225 Fourth Street (Nore Building) Lakewood New Jersey


Ocean County Library (Lakewood Branch) 301 Lexington Avenue Lakewood New Jersey


Original Leisure Village 17 Buckingham Drive Lakewood New Jersey



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  1. How do you know that you won’t get in trouble for having a basement tenant? I Know they said it won’t be used for anything other then counting, but do you really trust them?!?!?! I DON’T!!!

  2. #3 – You have absolutely nothing to worry about. Ther information is being collected by the *federal* government while the issue with a basement tenant is under the purview of the *local* government. By constitutional mandate the federal government may not (and does not) share that information.

  3. To all the “smart”guys that are always trying to outwit the govt:

    It is a federal LAW that any information obtained will not be used against you-PERIOD. The government has no way to override a law! And btw I wouldn’t recommend INCLUDING your tenants family in YOURS-just get another copy(one of you)

    And most importantly any information obtained CANNOT BE USED IN COURT. Now nothing can happen to anyone outside of court. However if you really want to be safe-JUST DO THINGS LEGALLY and stop worrying your whole life.

  4. basements are legal now. you can come out of hiding. just the census doesnt send to multiple families in one residence. go pick up a form. b’pkidas Rishei Yeshiva

  5. As so it should. Since every dollar in tax that you don’t pay is a dollar that I do, hiding your basement from the assessment is tantamount to direct theft from your nighbor.

  6. #11 – If everyone fills out their Census Forms and we have 100K people – if THEY find out that we’re a city – Your taxes will shoot down…….

  7. They are counting people. Who cares if you count basement people as part of your household or separately? It will still be the same amount of people.

  8. Hate to be the bearer of bad news but – Just as it is in China the government can find out anything they want about you – Census Form or not – the only difference beteween America and China is that in China they know that about their government but here we think it’s different. So you might as well assume that the Census Bureau will turn down other Federal Requests for info just as they did to the Dept. of Homeland Security in 2003 – and we might as well become a city, get more business, get more social services etc……

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