Lakewood Victim: Thank you Brick Detectives

Writing_letter[Reader-submitted] Dear Detective Steinberg, & Officer Turin Badge# 0199, I want to publicly thank you for the outstanding work you did regarding the incident that I had.

On December 3rd 2015, I was the victim of a crime that very possibly had a bias element to it. I was legally parked in a handicapped spot, in the parking lot of the Best Buy store in Brick. Upon exiting my vehicle, I was accosted by a man who was yelling at me “you don’t look handicap, and that’s the problem with your people, you think everyone owes you everything”.

After he stopped his and yelling and swearing, he smashed the left headlight of my car. I called the police, and Officer Turin of the Brick police department was sent to take care of my call.

After taking all of the information, he told me that someone from the Detective bureau will contact me soon. Sure enough, shortly after, I received a phone call from Detective Steinberg of the Brick PD Detective Berea. Once again he assured me that they will do all they can to investigate the crime and catch the person.

When Officer Turin arrived on the scene, I was truly shaken up; His calm and professional demeanor really helped me calm down. The way he reassured me that they will find the perpetrator really made me confident that they will follow this to the end. From the moment Detective Steinberg contacted me, I felt as if this was his one and only case. I was able to tell that he was determined to act. He was thorough, swift, and professional. From when he made his first phone call to the witness, until he tracked down the one responsible was less than two weeks.

Not long after that, I received full compensation for the damage that was done to my car.

I am sure that there are bigger issues that the Brick police Department has to deal with other than someone breaking a light on a car, but I must say that I am so impressed with their handling of my case. There was not a moment that I felt that my case was not as important, or that they were not taking it with all seriousness.

Thank you so much and I can confidently say that in Brick NJ, CRIME DOESN’T PAY.

A grateful resident of Lakewood.

PS: I also want to thank the Good Samaritan who saw the incident, remembered the license plate, and spoke to the police.

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  1. Thank you Brick police and those that don’t judge negatively because of race or religion. We need to see the good in each other and live our lives side by side peacefully. As a religious Jew, it’s sad knowing a lot of our neighbors resent us, possibly because of the actions of a few bad apples in our community. I try to stand for a higher moral standard and so do many of us – but we are also human and make mistakes. I hope we can earn the goodwill and trust of our neighbors and earn each other’s respect and understanding.

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