[To advertise on TLS, click here] Patricia Komsa, the executive director and coordinator of Lakewood’s UEZ, has announced that limited funds are now available for the Co-op Advertising Project, a special advertising incentive for Lakewood UEZ businesses that focuses on small business growth and development by providing 50 percent matching advertising grants to businesses. Businesses accepted into the Co-op Advertising Project may receive a reimbursement of up to $5,000.00 per quarter and a maximum of $20,000.00 per year.
Komsa says, “Successful businesses have long realized the power of advertising and marketing for bringing in customers. This matching grant program is designed to encourage businesses to advertise to entice customers to shop in their stores and buy their services.”
Applications for the Co-op Advertising Program will be accepted starting Thursday, September 15 and can be found on line http://www.lakewoodnj.gov/ or in the offices of the UEZ, second floor of the Lakewood Municipal Building, 231 Third Street, Lakewood. Applications must be filled out in full, and can be mailed or hand delivered. For further information, call 732-364-2500 Ext. 5257 or Ext. 5395.
Who do we thank for finally having some of this money go to benefit businesses after years of wasteful spending?
Thank HASHEM for everything. for we are just his Messengers. NOTHING happens in the world without Hashems decree that it should happen.
May we always see only happy decrees