Lakewood Twp. Committeeman Mike D’Elia: I’d like to see Walking bridge across the Lake

A bridge for vehicles across Lake Carasaljo may not become a reality anytime soon, but Committeeman Mike D’Elia says he hopes a walking bridge will.

“I’d like a nice walking bridge across the lake,” D’Elia told TLS.

D’Elia says Lakewood had a walking bridge across the lake back in the thirties-forties, but it was burned down in an apparent criminal mischief incident.

“For those who say it’s an eyesore, there’s already a boat dock half way across the lake,” says D’Elia.

Hoping to get it done during his new term, D’Elia says he envisions a scenic bridge which would allow for boats to go underneath.

(See reader’s idea back in 2013.)

The Committeeman says the bridge, which would stretch from North Lake to South Lake, would come in use for people to walk to and from BMG, and would help alleviate Route 9 traffic. It would also allow walkers to walk halfway around the lake, instead of the whole route.

“I already spoke to engineering about it,” says D’Elia. “Hopefully we’ll be able to get a grant for it at no cost to local taxpayers.”

The proposed cost for such a bridge would be approximately $1.2 million, says D’Elia, but adds, “I think we can do it for cheaper.”

But besides the costs involved, the Township would also need to overcome other hurdles, including environmental issues. The Committeeman hopes that could be sorted out with the DEP.

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  1. “Hopefully we’ll be able to get a grant for it at no cost to local taxpayers.”
    And where do you think the Grant Money would come from? I know the grant money tree.
    Typical Politics, free money is not free.

  2. Once we’re on the subject of a walking bridge across the lake, may I add a suggestion, three pedestrian walkways across Route 9. 11th Street 9th Street and 7th Street. Anyone that drives through the area in the morning and afternoon Rush can see literally hundreds of men running across which is an extremely dangerous

  3. The idea was suggested in the late 90’s and was shoved under the table. The mispellim would walk across the lake to bmg and not daven at the shuls on the south side cause many shuls to close down.

  4. I think it would be cool to have a zip line across the lake. this would be a quick way to get people across… more efficient than a walkway. probably cheaper too.
    please, Mike? please?

  5. Or better yet, how about huge cannons on each side? Human Cannonball’s used to be a big thing thanks to Evil Kanevil and it may work as an alternate mode of transportation. Just make certain to strap on your hat.

  6. To Moish@24/6 I too think pedestrians walkways to cross RT9 are a must for safety. However, instead of bridges it may be simpler to build underground walkways.

  7. #15, your suggestion is partly correct. There is talk about draining the lake and building condos, and parking will be part of that project along with a pizza shop and ice cream shop.

  8. To Bridges and tunnels, underground tunnel might cause a safety hazard due to homeless people trying to get away from the cold and the rain would set up shop there. It’s simply not safe

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