Lakewood Township Remembers 9/11

PHOTOS & FULL VIDEO: The Lakewood Township this afternoon held a 9/11 Memorial Service in honor of the tenth anniversary of the September 11 attacks on our Country. The event began at 12:45 PM to coincide with the 1:00 PM National moment of silence, which was joined by the LPD and LFD as well.

At the event, a 7 minute tribute video was shown.

The event – arranged by Mayor Menashe Miller – was attended by local officials as well as by Senator Bob Singer, Senator Sean Kean and Assemblyman David Rible.

As the Mayor read the timeline of events of that fateful day, Senators Singer and Kean and Assemblyman Rible, each lit a candle representing that tower.

The Ceremony concluded at approximately 1:20 PM. Photos by MOFOTO for TLS.

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  1. we will never forget what happened and we will never forget who perrished that day including the brave selfless souls who helped save and rescue people

    we will also nevet forget the brave men and woman who helped clean up after and are now dieing of all types of machlas may g-d have mercy

  2. Mayor Miller – I am proud of the way you handle every serious and solemn occasion. Be it the murder of Officer Matlosz the way you united the town together or forgoing your invite to NYC to be able to spend 9/11 with your hometown of Lakewood. You have won my support.

  3. Unfortunately I couldn’t make it to the event but I just watched the entire video that TLS posted. I am very moved. From the heartfelt rendtion of the National Anthem by Mr. Kessin to the uplifting rendition of God Bless America by Cantor Flam, from the opening prayer by Paster Wilson to the final prayer by Chaplain Muller, this event was by far the most genuine ceremony I’ve ever been to in Lakewood

  4. Mayor Miller did a nice job putting this event together. I am impressed that he included the special needs children from SCHI. Thats called a Mayor with a big heart.

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