After shutting down at the onset of Covid, the Lakewood Shuttle bus has resumed their regular routes.
Both the EAST and WEST Shuttle between Westgate and BMG are running as of today.
East bus times are 815.845.915.1015.1045.1115.1145.1215.1245.115.145.
West bus times are 930.10.1030.11.12.1230.
The buses will run Monday through Friday.
Buses leave from the Westgate plaza.
Masks are required.
The buses are free.
The East bus starts at Westgate shopping plaza. Left on central Ave. Left on RT9. Left on 2nd street right on forest. Left on 14th. Left on hope rd. Left on Miller rd. Right on Gudz rd. Right on New Central. Left into Westgate. The west bus does the exact opposite route.)
For questions, you can call 732-905-3405.
this should be free once again, especially during these tough times. How much are they even bringing in from the 20 daily riders. Is there still a grant available?
oh, it is free after all . I should have read the entire post! Thank you Lakewood!