The “L” bus (Lakewood Shuttle) announced they will be operating on Purim this year, but warn that you will be denied service if you’re drunk.
“Passengers appearing to be intoxicated will be denied service,” the company told TLS.
The bus service will also not allow open bottles of alcohol on the bus.
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So basically if your drunk you should drive??
no, if you’re drunk you should designate a driver(like everyone else in america is supposed to do)
A big thank you to the operators of the bus service. As this may help us get around town in a safe and hopefully fun manner. However regarding drunk ppl I think it would do a great service to allow them on board as otherwise they stand in the road hitching which is a true safety hazard. Ps I understand the open bottle policy. Thanks again
@Anon- Basically, if you appear to be intoxicated, you will be denied service to ensure the safety of the driver and all passengers. Anyone who is intoxicated should feel free to assign a designated driver or utilize a taxi service who allow for such circumstances. Unfortunately, we cannot accommodate such individuals. Please enjoy the bus service in a safe and responsible manner! Follow us on Twitter @lakewoodshuttle for more updates.
i agree with #2. who is goingto clean up the vomit on the bus? going onto a public bus while intoxicated is a chilul HaShem
Thank you for keeping us sober people safe!
Is Purim a day of drinking? I thought it was a day of thanks and being greatfull,maybe I’m just wrong about this. Stay home and drink not on a bus for kids to see.
#7 Kathy you are 100% correct. Well said.
I don’t think getting drunk is allowed. Are you not suppose to treat your body as a temple? At all times.