Lakewood Shade Tree Commission Celebrates Arbor Day at the Lakewood Historical Museum

To commemorate Arbor Day, the Lakewood Township Committee and the Lakewood Shade Tree Commission will hold its annual Arbor Day Ceremony at the Sheldon Wolpin Historical Museum, Pine Park, Lakewood, on Friday, July 8 at 3:00 p.m. 

            The Shade Tree Commission members have planted three Kousa Dogwood trees, known as Chinese Dogwoods.  According to Vice Chairman Craig Theibault these particular dogwoods have a later blooming time.

Arbor Day, first celebrated in 1872 in the United States, encourages individuals and groups to plant trees because of their environmental importance.  Shade Tree Commission members hold Arbor Day celebrations the last Friday in April each year and have planted hundreds of trees throughout the town. Lakewood has been awarded “Tree City USA” for the past 38 years for its outstanding urban forestry.

Shade Tree Commission members include Chairman Moshe Raitzik, Vice Chairman Craig Theibault, Tzvi Gordon, Raphael Miller, Harrison Pfeffer, and Secretary Mary Kay Malec.

Lakewood Deputy Mayor Menashe Miller is the Commission’s liaison to the Township Committee. The Township Committee appoints members to the Shade Tree Commission.   

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