A Lakewood resident reports his vehicle was stolen from Shul, and then returned a while later, TLS has learned.
Upon the return, the owner realized the thief apparently used the car for his errands, as he was left with multiple EZ Pass charges on his account.
The thief reportedly entered the Shul, where he found the keys.
Police are investigating.
Or, someone with the exact same make and model took another’s car in error, realized it afterward and put it back without saying a word due to embarrassment.
I’m thinking two things:
1) Lakewood has GOT to start locking their car doors. I’m not sure how it became normal to not do it. Boro Park seems to have this issue also.
2) Even if the door was unlocked though, and the person thought it was theirs because of what you’ve mentioned, how did they get the car to start without the appropriate key..
I don’t know for sure, but maybe Hashem is sending all of us a hint through this story that we all should try our best to daven for all those individuals that fell between the cracks.
Food for Thought
Most Definitely.
Funny story. Thief just wanted a free rental.
Glad he got his car back.
Maybe some boy that needs chizuk and love
Or a good slap…
Yes, chizzuk and love is appropriate at times, but dont be a fool.
No location or neighborhood. Again.