Lakewood Resident offers Free Smoke Alarms & Batteries in Memory of Flatbush Family

opinionA Lakewood resident submitted the following to TLS this morning: I would like to offer a limited supply of battery-operated (not hardwire) smoke alarms and smoke alarm batteries for free, L’ilui Nishmas the 7 children that were Niftar/Nifteres and for a Refuah Shleimah for the surviving mother and child.

I don’t know who this family is, but what I do know is that there are too many things going on these days to be blind and say “this has nothing to do with me” or “there is nothing I can do to help.”

I hope this is a useful offer and will be utilized to its fullest. In addition, I hope this will inspire other people to do good deeds and in effect bring the Geulah closer.

‘B’nisan asidim liheegael’.

Please email me at [email protected] if you are interested.

If anyone would like to sponsor smoke alarms or carbon monoxide alarms or batteries, they can contact me as well.

Thank you.

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  1. “I don’t know who this family is, but what I do know is that there are too many things going on these days to be blind and say “this has nothing to do with me” or “there is nothing I can do to help.”

    Boruch Hashem at least someone is waking up & FACING REALITY (the issue that we all have today which is admitting to Hashem & confessing that Hashem is right & we need to do teshuva)

    May we all learn from you & start to face the world with the full situation we are in & do something about it rather then live in denial & block it from our faces thus causing more tzaros to happen.

    May this be a zchus for the neshamos & may we all start heading towards the geula-in the month of geula-by waking up & returning to Hashem

  2. Lakewood today has many Jewish firefighters they all join cause to help our community when we go out Time out of our day and away from our families and promote fire safety at fire prevention day please just don’t ignore and shrug your shoulders and say it doesn’t pertain to me or I don’t have the time one day it just might save your family

  3. With all do respect, a few days ago there Sam article bashing sprinkler systems in homes. Not saying anything but this would have saved their lives.
    Yes, we need to do teshuva. Yes this was a geziera, but 5-10k when you build a house can possibly save a family and protect firefighters.
    I gave been a fan for a number of years of installing sprinklers in homes.
    Ble neder when I build a house I will install them.
    I think this comes before a pesach kitchen, or upgraded marble counters.

  4. #4

    Nobody thinks sprinklers are a bad idea. People think that the government forcing people to do things for their own safety might not be a great idea. And I agree wholeheartedly.

  5. All new schools should have sprinkler systems but investors don’t want to spend the money. Parents should insist that schools should have sprinkler systems.

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