A Lakewood resident today found approximately $15,000 missing from his account from what appears to be through fraudulent checks, TLS has learned.
Upon discovering it, the victim called police.
This incident highlights the importance of frequently checking your accounts, as the later an issue is discovered, the less likely it is for the funds to be recovered.
Best advice:
Open two checking accounts.
One with most of your money and one with a drop.
Whenever you give a check to a person that you do not know, give him a check from the tiny account and transfer funds from your larger account to your smaller account. This way those guys that are getting checks from you, they don’t have the account number of your larger account. Always transfer a drop just to cover the next check. This way the fraudulent check will bounce immediately because he doesn’t know the info on your real checking account and the tiny checking account has almost no money.
I guarantee pros already have all your numbers and more. The bank is responsible for bogus checks… paper, inks, watermarks, etc. You can’t get a checkbook without a blank voided check. Get a lawyer for 30Gs+; they’ll get your 15 back plus a kickback to the bank thrown in (to cover expenses).
How can you not notice 15,000 missing from your bank account? My goodness. I call the bank when I notice a few pennies missing. Due diligence, the thief will be punished. Divine Law always wins.