Lakewood Posek: No Issue with Leaving Chometz in Township-owned Trash Bins During Pesach

trash pileRabbi Shmuel Felder Shlita, one of Lakewood’s leading Poskim has confirmed to TLS that Lakewood residents may leave Chometz in their trash bins to be picked up during Pesach.

Rabbi Felder explained that leaving Chometz in the bin would not constitute being in possession of Chometz, since the bins are owned by the Lakewood Township.

Accordingly, residents may leave the trash bins out for pickup Erev Pesach, and bring it back onto their property during Chol Ha’moed.  [TLS]

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  1. They are not leased or loaned. They are owned and managed by the township and placed strategically at every residence to ease the townships efficiency in their garbage collection for which they are responsible. A deposit is taken to ensure its care and return if the township wants to collect or replace them. You also cannot use them for any other use

  2. what about the chometz grime stuck to the bottom of the bin from a years worth of garbage? when u put back on your reshus during pesach is their no problem with that?

  3. #10 is wrong. They are two different verbs: “to lend” is conjugated “lend, lent, have lent”, and “to loan” is conjugated “loan, loaned, have loaned”.

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