Lakewood Police Weekly Blotter

January 23, 2025, Officer Caleb Alvarado responded to a report of an occupied suspicious vehicle in front of the caller’s home idling. The officer located the idling vehicle with two males. Driver, Martin Garciaestrella, 32, of Toms River, N.J., was arrested for driving while intoxicated (DWI). He was charged with Reckless Driving, Careless Driving, Open Alcoholic Beverage, and other related charges.

Officers Ryan Dancey, Nicholas Cusanelli, and Alexander Lopez assisted in the investigation.

January 24, 2025, Officers Joseph Mandelbaum and Alexander Lopez responded to a report from the Brick Police Department regarding a careless driver in the area of E. County Line Rd. Upon locating the vehicle, they conducted a traffic stop. Renato Bautista Carpintero, 51, of Lakewood, N.J., was arrested for driving while intoxicated (DWI). He was charged with Reckless Driving, Careless Driving, Open Alcoholic Beverage, and other related charges.

Officers Frank Cristiano, Corey Maliff, Nicholas Meyer, Nicholas Florio, and Adam Rihacek assisted in the investigation.

January 26, 2025, Officer Michael Villalba responded to a three-car motor vehicle crash on New Hampshire Avenue and Ocean Avenue. The officer located the vehicles involved, and after further investigation, one of the drivers, Pedro Rugerioatlatenco, 43, of Lakewood, N.J., was arrested for driving while intoxicated (DWI). He was charged with Reckless Driving, Careless Driving, Open Alcoholic Beverage, and other related charges.

Officers Bryan Rodriguez, James Komsa, John Pannone, Julian Guzman, Christopher Johnson, and Nicholas Florio assisted in the investigation.

January 26, 2025, Officer Gregory Cannon patrolled the area of 2nd Street and observed a careless vehicle on the roadway. The officer conducted a motor vehicle traffic stop, and the driver Lazaro Romero-Amador, 23, of Lakewood, N.J., was arrested for driving while intoxicated (DWI). He was charged with Reckless Driving, Careless Driving, Open Alcoholic Beverage, and other related charges.

Lieutenant Michael Young, Officers Alexander Lopez, Julian Guzman, and Sean Capper assisted in the investigation.`

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