Lakewood Police Weekly Blotter

On March 7, 2024, at 6 p.m., Officer Joseph Mandelbaum responded to a motor vehicle crash on Lexington Avenue. Jaime Moncada, 57, from Jackson, N.J. was arrested for DWI and charged with related offenses.

Officers Nicholas Cusanelli, and Anthony Amoroso assisted in the investigation.

March 8, 2024, at 9:30 p.m., Officer William Bowers responded to the area of Cedarbridge Avenue for a male in the driver’s seat sleeping with the vehicle stopped at a green light in the westbound lane. James Desalvo, 31, from Jackson, N.J. was arrested for DWI/Drugs and charged with related offenses.

Sergeant Caitlyn Kicki (DRE officer), and Officers Eric Micallef, Alexander Lopez, Julian Guzman, and Leonardo Shimonovich assisted in the investigation.

March 9, 2024, at 5 p.m., Officer Conner Woods responded to the VIP kitchen for a disturbance in the bathroom possibly drug-related. The officer knocked on the door and Leslie Zapata, 36, from Toms River, N.J. was arrested for drugs and charged with related offenses.

Officers Sara Brooks, Joseph Mandelbaum, and Jacob Matthews assisted in the investigation.

March 9, 2024, at 8 p.m., Officer Jacob Matthews responded to a 9-1-1 open line at the Congregation Sons of Israel on Park Avenue. Students in the Congregation said a male had entered the premises and he was unfamiliar to them. The officer located Simcha Labovitz, 28, from Lakewood, N.J., and remembered him from previous encounters. Dispatch checked for warrants and resulted in an out-of-town active warrant. He was subsequently arrested and brought into headquarters.

Officer Joseph Mandelbaum assisted in the investigation.

March 14, 2024, at 2 a.m., Officer Bryan Vega was in the area of 2nd St, and observed Raul Reyes-Aguilar, 25, from Lakewood, N.J. The officer recognized Reyes-Aguilar from previous encounters and requested dispatch to check for warrants. A warrant was confirmed and Reyes-Aguilar was subsequently arrested and processed.

Officers Brian Guzman and Leonardo Shimonovich assisted in the investigation.

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