Lakewood Police Officer, Good Samaritan Save 4 Year Old Boy’s Life

While sitting in his patrol car at about 5:00 p.m. this evening, Lakewood Police Officer Sean Doyle was approached by a panicked father whose son had stopped breathing, police say.

The panicked father quickly drove up to the officer sitting in the lot of the East 4th Street Fire Station, and began honking his horn.

As Officer Doyle ran to the vehicle, the father pulled his son out of the car and began handing the child to him. Officer Doyle laid the child on the ground, called for first aid, medics, and began administering first aid, police say.

With the child having no pulse, not breathing, and his lips turning blue, Officer Doyle ran to his car where he retreived a children’s bag valve mask. As he returned to the victim, bystander and Good Samaritan Ivana Lopez, of E. 4th Street, stated she knew CPR and began giving compressions as the Officer gave rescue breaths. The child, although labored, began breathing again by the time first aid and medics arrived.

He is currently listed in Critical, but stable, condition at Jersey Shote Medical Center, police say. [TLS-28]

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  1. Thank you officer Kotyle & Kudos to ms Lopez for the selfless act & coming to the rescue . A lot of time bystanders walk away but thank you for coming over to help . You saved the life of a child

  2. Officer Sean Doyle is a true Mentsch I’ve known him from 2 years back and he is an honest and straight forward and merciful officer who was a pleasure to deal with when I was caught up with the law Thank you officer for saving a young boys life and making lakewood a better and safer place for all and for doing so much for the lakewood community may you live a long life and may god repay you entirely for your dedication that you give

  3. Sean Doyle is the consummate gentleman and deeply cares for the community. I can attest to his vigilance in patrolling our area late at night on Yomim Tovim And Shabbosos making sure we’re all safe and specifically on the lookout for any sign of fire from candles. Good going!!

  4. Kindly remove racist comments. 8 million gentiles were slaughtered in the Holocaust and many thousands saved many thousands of Jews, including my “Good Samaritan” parents. Shame on some of the commenters. God saved a child and this is what you think. Could be if it wasn’t for a Goy you wouldn’t be here to comment.

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