Lakewood Police investigating School Bus incident caught on Surveillance Video

bus countyThe surveillance video released by TLS yesterday showing a vehicle nearly striking a student is being reviewed by police, the department told TLS.

Immediately after publishing the footage, Sergeant Butterworth of the Traffic Safety division told TLS they will be investigating this incident and hope to track down the driver of the pickup truck.


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  1. Bus driver is wrong for NOT being in the right lane.
    Truck is of course wrong for passing a stopped school bus, My point is as a previous bus driver in Lakewood I have seen many bus drivers either not being smart safe and not using the lights correctly.

  2. Like in the previous post, people are missing the facts. This is a 2 lane road (one lane in each direction). The pick-up is in the SHOULDER. The bus is not required to pull onto the shoulder. The pick-up passed the bus by taking the shoulder. Bus driver correct, pick-up wrong.

  3. To Eli, that is a one lane road, and the driver was obeying the law by stopping in his lane. There fore the driver of the pickup truck can receiver summmonses for driVing on the shoulder, improper passing, and going through the buses yellow lights, at the very least. So instead of being so quick to condemn hardworking bus drivers, u should research us facts!

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