In response to last night’s stabbing in West Gate, TLS reached out to Lakewood Police Chief Greg Meyer to find out what is being done to make residents feel safer.
“We are taking this and other incidents very seriously,” Police Chief Meyer told TLS. “We are very well aware of the activity recently taking place in the area, and we will boosting patrols – with both plain clothes detectives and marked units,” the Chief said.
Curfew laws will also now be strictly enforced, Chief Meyer said.
The curfew law code states, “It shall be unlawful for any parent or guardian having the custody or control of any child up to 17 years of age to permit him to be on any public street, highway or other public place in the Township between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m., unless he is accompanied by his parent, guardian or any other adult person with the consent of the child’s parent or guardian.”
“As we speak, police supervisors and community activists are being notified about the crackdown,” Chief Meyer said.
Thank you for your service..
But with all LPD “enforcement” this is just a pacifier. Lets see how long this curfew enforcement lasts..
Remember crossing the street at a crosswalk and having to stop for pedestrian enforcement?? How long did that last,1 week? Did anyone get a summons?
Can we get the same driving enforcement we saw 15 years ago when one dared passed a Lakewood cop with kids running around the back unbelted or texting while driving.
I pay 20k taxes for my property, thank you for the garbage pick up, what else do we getting for that? Can we take back our town from the lawlessness and aggressive drivers?
I feel awful for these parents but these kids need to learn their lesson or this is going to keep on continuing.
Finally the Police are beginning to do their job!
Good start, its very difficult with those who are unfortunately almost indistinguishable from a ben sorer umorer.
We want to show them that we want them, but how can we accept their “omeid b’prashas derachim umelastem es habriyos”!? This is a very difficult situation.
while the police are doing their job we can be loving caring neighbors and be friendly i once heard about a Rebbi who bought his neighbor’s son a present which he did not earn or even deserve and that kid picked himself up and went to yeshiva obviously another neighbor also encouraged him and made him feel that he can do it
Your implication that these kids dont have “yemin m’kareves” is wrong. I spoke to someone just today who is involved with these boys, and makes shabbos gatherings with them.
They related how this boy who perpetrated the stabbing was, and is regularly, part of this group, and unfortunately, he isnt surprised at all about the occurence.
It turns out, that love alone will not get someone to change.
Look at Dasan and Aviram, you think that Aharon Hakohen about whom it says was “ohev es habrios umekarvan l’torah” didnt try to work with them?
The fact is, while of course we always have to try to be mekarev, its also “assur leracheim al mi sh’ein bo de’ah”.
who said to be merachem? just make a Kiddush Hashem with your behavior! these confused and hurt youngsters are not yet hardened criminals and hopefully with warmth and understanding and alot of practical guidance they will outgrow this stage and become productive citizens instead of being pushed down to remain in this mess
This is a very dark day in the history of klal yisroel, to think that we’ve sunk this low – we need the cops to contain our children and protect one yid from another!
but I agree with what others have mentioned – stop blaming the “system” the “yeshivos” the “rebbeim” – I’m not blaming the parents either – but to say that it’s everyone elses fault besides the unruly kids is simply unfair, and yes, if it’s become such a crisis, we’ll have to resort to criminal justice to teach them consequences.
for too long there has been inactivity on this issue. The solution is to make them feel succesful in life.
Yes, the yeshivas are at fault for not accepting them because they are not mitzuyanim. Yes, for some of them the bar has been set too high. I know because I work with korbanos of the school system. Whats happening now is the result of our elitist system. like it or not.
For all those reading, especially from out of town, let us remember that this is, B”H, extremely uncommon and virtually unheard of. TY