Lakewood Police Chief: No DWI Drivers in Lakewood Over Purim

lawson tlsPurim is the most joyous festival in the Jewish calendar, and a day many get highly intoxicated to highlight the miracle that occurred through wine.

But despite thousands around Lakewood getting intoxicated, the value of life was not overlooked.

Police Chief Rob Lawson tells TLS there were no drivers found driving under the influence over Purim.

In fact, the Chief noted to TLS last year, he doesn’t ever recall a DWI arrest involving a Jewish driver over Purim – something the Lakewood community as a whole can be very proud of.



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  1. It always gets me angry to see the signs, lectures and advertisements telling us how to behave on Purim, as though we were a bunch of drunken louts who need to be taught how to behave. I was sure this was true, nobody actually needs to be told not to drink and drive on Purim. We all know that instinctively.
    It is insulting, condescending and unnecessary.

  2. 1 & 2, just because you live in LA la land, doesn’t give you the right to be “offended” when the correct thing is done by askonim and organizations that work so hard to get the message out.

  3. I, for one, think this is a big kiddush hashem. How many times do people do stupid things that they know are wrong and excuse themselves by saying “i was tired, hungry, upset, drunk etc.”.
    Of course we know not to drink and drive, but the path from the head to the heart is a very long distance indeed.

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