The following is an ‘Ask The Chief’ question submitted to TLS, and the Chief’s response. Email your questions for the Chief to [email protected].
Thank you for your service for the community.
I wanted to know as being an Orthodox Jew; and would like to give back to the community, how would I be able to either become a police officer or become part of Lakewood First Aid?
Thank you again for everything.
Wishing you much success
The Chief’s Response:
Thanks for writing in hope this helps:
To be a police officer you must pass a NJ civil service test and be between the ages of 18-35, US citizen, High school diploma, no criminal record and be able to pass a rigorous background, physical and a 21 week police academy class.
To be a volunteer first aid squad member you need to know basic first aid, cpr , emt and other classes which I am sure Chief VanDeZIlver or Captain Swartzblatt can tell you.
Good luck.
Have a question for the Chief? Email it to [email protected]
Lakewood First Aid has a website anyone looking for information can look there the address is thank you
There are many other ways of giving back to the community besides being in these two organizations.
Shmuli a good way to serve would be US armed forces.
The US armed forces is a great way to serve, but not as practical as volunteering for the local EMS/PD.
It generally requires being away for months at a time, as opposed to being local and continuing to run your business/stay in school, and coming home every night.
There are many good organizations in town you can volunteer for and always looking for more male/female volunteers/help.
Just to name a few
Bikur cholim
Chai lifeline
Tomchei shabbos
Respond in comments if you need any contact number information to these wonderful organizations