Lakewood Police Chief Greg Meyer answers your ‘Ask The Chief’ questions: Downtown

The following is an ‘Ask The Chief’ question submitted to TLS, and the Chief’s response. Email your questions for the Chief to [email protected].


Good Morning Honorable Chief,

Is there any way to consolidate the loitering  that’s going on by this Municipal parking lot? The people that are standing there are taking up parking spots by sitting on them with milk crates and are blocking the entrances on 1st street by sitting by them and every time someone wants to come and park the work seekers Jump on the cars asking for work etc. can we designate and enforce  a place for the Work seekers for people to pick them up by a spot we’re it dosent create traffic and take up municipal parking and avoid the work seekers from jumping on cars etc. There’s ladies that don’t want to park there because there scared there going to get taunted. Maybe a shop car can be there every morning?

Best, Anonymous

The Chief’s response:

Yes, we will have our Quality of life officers as well as Bicycle patrol officers make more frequent checks of the parking lot and area around the muster zone.

Have a question for the Chief? Email it to [email protected]

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  1. Also the Lexington Rest Home on 7th St people are still becoming a nuisance, asking others for money and cigarettes

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