Lakewood Police Chief Greg Meyer answers your ‘Ask The Chief’ questions: Crackdown on drugs

The following is an ‘Ask The Chief’ question submitted to TLS, and the Chief’s response. Email your questions for the Chief to [email protected].



First off – a big thank you for all the hard work you and your officers do to keep us safe!

My question is as follows, the same way we had a massive crackdown on driving infractions can we also have a crackdown on illegal drug sale and use. Have the same amount of officers making arrests and drug busts as we had during the traffic enforcement. Wouldn’t this make Lakewood safer and save even more lives than caused by traffic accidents? Could the fact that the city doesn’t get any revenue from drug enforcement play a role?



The Chief’s Response:


Sounds good on paper, but marked uniformed officers have a disadvantage when trying to make narcotics arrests. A few months ago, in addition to our street crimes unit that does drugs, we implemented a person crime suppression squad which gives us a total of officers strictly doing drugs and illicit activity. Nightly we make numerous arrests as a result, and whenever a crime problem pops up they are able to respond. From time to time we do make an arrest or two as a result of traffic stops, and although we know that cannot fix the problem, it does send a message. Lakewood has daily about 11 – 15 accidents a day, even on dry roads. And the township does get a cut of the county forfeiture funds when we work with them on a case, local cases fines go to both the state and the court.


Have a question for the Chief? Email it to [email protected]

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