Lakewood Police Chief Greg Meyer answers your ‘Ask The Chief’ questions: Chestnut Street

The following is an ‘Ask The Chief’ question submitted to TLS, and the Chief’s response. Email your questions for the Chief to [email protected].


Good evening,

Friday night a friend of mine was supposed to come eat with us for the meal. She was supposed to walk from the 70, down New Hampshire and turn left down Chestnut. Being from out of town, she doesn’t know the area that well. The directions were simple enough. The only issue is that there was no street sign for Chestnut on New Hampshire and she ended up walking from the 70 all the way to the 88. Down there she met a nice family that invited her over for the meal then walked her all the way back to our house. In short, my question is: How soon can we get a street sign up by Chestnut so this doesn’t happen again?

Thank you!


The Chief’s response:

Thank you for your question. We have arranged with Public Works to have a new sign put up at that location to properly mark the street.

Have a question for the Chief? Email it to [email protected]

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  1. Also what about the backup traffic from oak to New Hampshire and chestnut to New Hampshire? I think there needs to be two turning lanes. Thanks

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