Lakewood PBA to Hold its Sixth Annual Coat Drive

coat driveLakewood Police P.B.A. No. 71 is partnering with Preferred Behavioral Health to host its Sixth Annual Winter Coat Drive that will benefit local homeless and less fortunate residents.

Bring new and gently worn winter coats and jackets to the Lakewood Police Department Office window in the Lakewood Municipal Building, 231 Third Street, Lakewood, 24 hours a day, any day including weekends.

Sean Ward, P.B.A. president, said the P.B.A. thanks Jackson Orthodontics for their recent donation of 200 coats.

Preferred Behavioral Health is also collecting coats within its organization. The staff of PATH (Project for Assistance in Transition from Homelessness), the homelessness prevention program, will assist the P.B.A. in distributing winter coats during the P.B.A. sponsored Open-Air Soup Kitchen, Friday, December 4, 2015, at noon in Lakewood Town Square, also known as Red Square, between Third Street and Clifton Avenue, Lakewood.

Besides coats and jackets, the P.B.A. will be giving out a cup of free chicken soup for as long as supplies last. For more information, call the P.B.A. at 732-364-0071.


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