Lakewood Officials Attend Governor’s Menorah-Lighting Ceremony

PHOTOS: [UPDATED] Last night, a special Chanukah celebration was held at the Governor’s Mansion in Princeton, NJ. Flanked by officials from Jewish communities throughout New Jersey, the Governor and the First Lady watched as a Menorah was lit in honor of Chanukah.

Attending the event, were Deputy Mayor Langert, Committeeman Akerman, Josh Pruzansky, Captain Siegal of SCHI, Rabbi Carlebach and other officials.

Photos by the Lakewood Shopper.

More photos, with BOE member Isaac Zlatkin, and his son.


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  1. I am not sure who you needed to know to get nvited but they missed alot of BOE members who should have been invited. #5, how high do you want our taxes to go.

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