Lakewood MVC Shut Due to Outage [UPDATED]

The Lakewood MVC announced today it will have a delayed opening due to an onsite network outage as a result of a recently restored power outage.

Currently, no estimated time for restoration is available.

Any customer with a cancelled appointment will be offered a courtesy return pass.

UPDATE: It has reopened.

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  1. What can we do to get JCP&L in shape? The amount of power outages our area has had is shameful! No private company would be able to survive with this kind of lousy service. JCP&L is a monopoly & does whatever it wants. Besides for the numerous outages, many construction projects have to stop while they wait weeks for JCP&L to complete their work. How can we hold them accountable to the customers who keep paying higher rates for horrible service?

  2. MVC does not need power outages to put it out of service. It has never provided any service other than waiting in lines and getting yelled at.

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