Lakewood Middle School Special Education Students’ Art Work on Display

Lakewood Middle School staff and families gathered on Saturday, November 4th, for an opening ceremony to an ongoing art show titled “Art and Autism- Creating and Celebrating,” at the Brick Library.

The exhibit, featuring over 40 art works created by the students of the multiple disabilities and autistic program at Lakewood Middle School, will be shown throughout the month of November in the Brick Library.

“Over the past several months, in creating the artworks for this exhibit, these students have used their disabilities as their capabilities and used their talent to turn it into the masterpieces you can see here today,” says Lakewood Middle School art teacher Diana Ehlers.

Ehlers is an art teacher at Lakewood Middle School who collaborated with autistic program teacher Mrs. Julie Bruno, and student of multiple disabilities program teacher Mrs. Danielle Young. It is their 11 students combined in an art class that worked together with their paraprofessionals to create the art works shown.

At the opening ceremony, a special art work created by the students honored Lakewood Middle School’s former Vice Principal, Mr. Bailey, who passed away this year.

“Mr. Bailey was a true angel,” says Mrs. Julie Bruno, teacher of the autistic program. “He always showed unconditional support for our multiple disability and autistic programs at Lakewood Middle School. He would always make time to come and visit our students.”

Mr.Bailey’s wife and family accepted the piece, and thanked the Middle School staff and students for carrying out his legacy.

The Art and Autism exhibit will also be traveling to the Lakewood Library at a future date. Staff members in attendance included Mrs. Diana Ehlers, Art teacher and organizer of event, Special Education teachers Julie Bruno, Danielle Young, Brenda Douglas, Paraprofessionals of students: Diane Weber, Susan Rivera, Grace Tront, Principal Richard Goldstein, Assistant Principal Deborah Rolston, teachers Alicia Intromasso, Cheri Caravano, James Mount, Taylor Celenza, Katie Kirby, Maria Janusz, John Fry, Gina Silinonte, Meghan Nadeau, and many more.

General Counsel, Michael I Inzelbuch stated, “Another great job by our kids and staff. Piners pride is back …catch it.”

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  1. Mrs. Ehlers is a true professional dedicated to providing students to utilize their creative talents in order to express their thoughts!!!!!Kudos to her and the rest of the students for honoring the memory of a cherished educator, Mr. Bailey!!!! At Lakewood Middle School we work with student abilities and guide them to success!! Piner pride is alive at LMS!!

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