The following is an ‘Ask The Mayor’ question submitted to TLS, and the Mayor’s response. Email your questions for the Mayor to [email protected].
Thank you for all you do!
I live in westgate which has very tight streets . On Wednesday/Thursday the garbage trucks often block busses.
There are certain bus drivers that skip stops if the trucks are blocking them for a few minutes.
(we won’t go into how the bus companies deal with that..that’s a whole different issue)
Is there any way garbage pickup in westgate or any narrow development can start after 9:15 am to prevent children from not being picked up and bus drivers from getting upset and being able to make their routes in a timely fashion.
Thank you,
A concerned Lakewood resident
Response from Mayor Coles:
Good morning,
I spoke with Public Works & they will do everything possible to adjust the schedule to prevent this.
Have a question for the Mayor? Send it to [email protected]
Have a question for the Chief? Send it to [email protected]
They should have bus stops only along Hillside. They shouldn’t have a bus stop every two houses. Kids can walk 2 minutes up the road to get on the bus and it would save time on bus routes and help with congestion of traffic. Every child doesn’t need doorside service.
When I went to school up north jersey there was no school bus we walked or our parents would drive us to school and we had normal food for lunch and we used to bring it from home
…and it was uphill BOTH ways while it rained, snowed, hailed and sleeted every day. 😉 Hey, I grew up without air conditioning until I was a bit older. Times change.
@Michael: not in Lakewood. In this town it seems that every service is door to door. DPW is having a job fair at the blueclaws today from what I read online cause it looks they’re having difficulties hiring people like everyone else but the minute the garbage doesn’t get picked up cause people wants to be complaining about everything and anything then is also a problem. If we’re going to ask the mayor to tell DPW that we don’t want the trucks here until certain time then what? The other day it was another person complaining cause the bulk was getting picked up way to early in the morning. During the day is a problem cause of the traffic, at night is a bigger deal cause people complain about noise and can’t sleep. Instead of complaining people should be grateful for the services that they are getting around the clock cause other towns don’t even get a third of what we get here.
What business do school buses have coming down those narrow streets. Buses should stop along the main avenues only, children should leave 2 minutes earlier of which the 2 minutes of exercise is good for them.
Many developments are deliberately designed with very narrow streets to prevent speeding. Over the years West Gate has had many children whom were r”l hit by cars; But thanks to those narrow streets which have prevented many more from being hit.