Lakewood Mayor Ray Coles Responds to Your ‘Ask The Mayor’ Questions: Turning Lanes, Pickleball & Volley, Oak Street, Gridlock

The following is an ‘Ask The Mayor’ question submitted to TLS, and the Mayor’s response. Email your questions for the Mayor to [email protected].


Dear Mayor,

Heading down south on Clifton toward MLK drive has had recent changes. At the intersection of MLK they have a right lane which is now to be used to either head straight or make a right turn. A middle lane to head straight. A left turning lane in a small strip mall. Firstly, looking around town, there really are not any special left turning lanes for these strip malls around town. Secondly and more importantly, the amount of people making a right turn onto MLK are in the thousands. You’ve just held up so much traffic cause a strip mall got a turning lane. Couldn’t they make that right lane a turning right only and make the other 2 lanes going straight? Yes, you’d obviously need to adjust the road but the traffic is so ridiculous.

Response from Mayor Coles:

Good morning,

We have been raising the same points with the county since they made these changes. We are hoping they will make some adjustments to smooth things out.

I know people are probably as tired of hearing me says this, as I am, but the township does not have control over county or state roads in town. We try to work with our partners when work is done, but we are occasionally overruled.



Good evening,
Thank you for being such a wonderful mayor for all different walks of life in our town.
Question: Anyway we can get a pickleball & Volley court opened in the Southside area of Lakewood that will be open late (like 12am)?

I live right near the chestnut/cross area and we have one park (hearthstone park) that has a volley net but no lights at night.

There are many many young guys who would love to be able to spend an hour or 2 at night to relax and stay fit after putting their kids to sleep and have no options available.

Please see if there’s any way to accommodate us.

Again thank you for being so great for all of us ❤️

Response from Mayor Coles:

I will discuss it with our public works director and see if there is anything we can do.



Good Afternoon Mr. Mayor,

Thank you for your years of service to the Lakewood community.

Not too long ago Oak st. between Albert Ave and New Hampshire was finally repaved after many years of patchwork. After the money that went into that, How does the township allow the gas company (who installed updated gas lines) along with the developer who recently built new houses on Oak st just tear up the street and not repave it to the way it was? Shouldn’t they be responsible to repair as it was? Besides for the uneven and bumpy road, all the painted lines and markings on the road are gone as well.

I look forward to your response and investigating this matter!

A Daily Oak st driver

Response from Mayor Coles:


The initial paving has to be given time to settle before a final paving is done. If they did not wait, sections would settle and the road would not be level. I will ask engineering to make sure the time frame is kept as short as possible.



Hello and thank you for this forum,

Although many of our children are still enjoying camp, the school year is approaching fast. We are looking forward to a great year for everyone. However, we also all know that the heavy gridlocked traffic will once again take over Lakewood. Please help us. We turn to our leaders to make things better. We cannot wait and keep pushing this off. We need set lanes for busses. We need to block off the first 5 streets down Central from the lake towards Sunset so that the “cutters” don’t slow down the traffic and keep cars from making the light. We need more crossing guards. We need to make sure no construction ever takes place during the morning rush hours. Let’s have these changes announced before the first day of school.

With many thanks,


Response from Mayor Coles:

Good afternoon,

The first weeks of school are always a challenge, but we work hard all year to try and make the school commute as safe and easy as possible.

For instance, the township keeps garbage trucks off the road from when the busses stats rolling until 10:00 AM so they don’t have to share the road and create gridlock.

Deputy Mayor Miller has been adamant with the police department that construction and road shut-downs are not to begin until after 10:00AM.

As far as Crossing Guards, I would love to place them at many more locations around town. The fact is, that we do not have nearly enough crossing guards to meet the demand. Whenever someone raises this issue, I like to take the opportunity to ask our residents to consider becoming a crossing guard. It is a good paying job that performs a much-needed public service. If you are interested, reach out to my office or the police department.

I will indeed ask the department to increase enforcement along here to prevent folks from cutting in.




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  1. Thank you so much for making yourself available for the public!
    Regarding garbage trucks, I’m glad to hear they won’t be on the road until later. They have been coming to some neighborhoods at 5:45 AM!! Which wakes up people. I don’t understand how they can have cart blanche to come whenever they want. Plus if someone forgets to put out the bins the night before, no time to put them out the next morning. With pick up once a week!!

    • Unfortunately, the mayor only said that the garbage trucks would be off the roads during bussing hours, he didn’t say that the garbage trucks will start their rounds later.

    • So if they come early people complain (even though the longstanding ordinance states 6am when you have to get your garbage out by). They can’t collect during school pickup because those couple of trucks ruin everyone’s day. People complain when the trucks are out around lunchtime. Please let us know when they are supposed to do their job? Also if you want twice a week pick up then pay a private company to pick up the extra day. Why should people like myself, who puts out one garbage and one recycling can maybe every other week pay for your lifestyle?

  2. Dear mayor of Lakewood nj I wanted to know why when I live in Lakewood year ago people didn’t work to safe our town, now different people come and you safe the town how crazy is that? Please let me know your opinion!!! Thank you mayor of lakewood nj

  3. Dear Mr. Mayor,
    May I make the following suggestion with regards to erecting pickleball courts in Lakewood:
    If it is too difficult for the township to set up pickleball courts in town, there is a much simpler alternative:
    If you guessed ‘Pickle Boards’, you are correct!
    Admittedly, pickle boards are much smaller in size than the standard pickleball courts, but they are relatively inexpensive, and they can provide almost as much enjoyment as their pickleball court counterparts, providing the township hires qualified caterers and top-notch food connoisseurs to erect the pickle boards.
    Mr. Mayor, I’m sure you are aware that pickles come in various sizes: Teeny, medium, large and humongous. Question: Does the township really need to erect giant-sized pickleball courts with giant-sized balls of pickles when the township can easily set up affordable, normal-sized pickle-boards filled with delicious, regular-sized pickles, and a host of tantalizing salads on the same board?
    What’s more, I believe that the pickle boards can be obtained free of charge if Lakewood township finds a suitable partner, namely, one of the pickle manufacturing companies, to sponsor the project at no cost to the township. It’s a win-win situation for everyone, including the public works director, the pickle manufacturers and Lakewood’s pickle-loving community!

  4. Regarding Central Ave congestion: the shoulder on Central Ave Eastbound has “no parking” . Therefore, the shoulder should become a 2nd driving lane, at the least from Sunset Rd to Route 9. That will normally and legally ease the congestion. Thank you in advance, Mr Mayor, for sharing this idea with the county

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